1 Obsidian 263
While attempting to sleep I heard Ber Kolottan the Liaison attempting to meet with Markus just outside my room. The Liaison is disturbing.

3 Obsidian 263
The Giant Cave Wartfrog has positioned itself just outside the doors to the magma chamber. It seems sinister. I have run out of patience with belligerent wildlife. I considered Wartfrogs are not as fleet as Jaguars and therefore dispatched the militia.

4 Obsidian 263
Slaan arrived first with Apocadall a dozen paces behind. Following up was Minty who had been interrupted while drinking. He clutched his iron battle axe in his right hand and a barrel of dwarven ale in his left.

Slaan barged through the door and led with his war hammer, delivering a solid blow to the creature's lower body and sending it sprawling! He followed up by bringing his hammer down on its front foot, and then swinging around to smack it in the chest producing the audible crack of a rib. Shocked by the sudden assault the Wartfrog succumbed to pain, stunned into immobility.

Slaan continued to lay into the Wartfrog without mercy. With every swing he cracked or chipped vulnerable bone despite the thick layers of rubbery flesh protecting them.

Finally it regained its senses just as Apocadall burst through the door.

A hammerblow to its chest produced a gasping croak. Apocadall's first swordstrike chopped into its right rear leg hard enough to fracture the bone and sever a nerve, and with that the giant frog monster's fate was sealed.

As Apocadall stood on its back to hold it down and hacked at its limbs, Slaan continued to deliver bone-crushing blows all about its body.
Yet it still struggled to cling to life when Minty swung open the stone door, still gripping his keg, to add his axe to the fray.
It was Slaan who managed the killing stroke, crushing the monster's skull in with a powerful hammerblow. The three militiadwarves had slain the Giant Cave Wartfrog without it ever making an attack against them. I then wondered if I had misjudged the creature's intent but it is of little consequence.

Slaan professed satisfaction at gaining his first kill at Gemclod. He took the opportunity to complain of long patrol duty. I will suggest to the next Overseer to review the militia's training schedule.

Minty must have been disappointed at not getting to participate much because he left his drink blocking the door to the magma chamber.
5 Obsidian 263
Markus was finally trapped in his bedroom by the Liaison who delivered a list of demands.

Despite spending more than a month at Gemclod the Liaison has requested numerous goods we are unable or unlikely to produce in surplus including fish, meat, quivers, and thread. Ber Kolottan then gave the Traditional farewell and journeyed.

Markus showed annoyance when discussing the situation which is unusual for him. I commiserated.
6 Obsidian 263
I worked for a while on the Project and then returned below to build walls for the sluice. I have extended plans for the walls to enclose a section of the obsidian floor. The remaining magma can be flooded while this portion will be dry and ready for use.

10 Obsidian 263
Everything is going too slowly. I recruited a handful of otherwise-idle dwarves to aid in the construction efforts.

13 Obsidian 263
Success! A portion has been walled in. Today I ordered the floodgate re-opened.

17 Obsidian 263
We have pierced the floor in two places and I have ordered channeling to get down to the level of obsidian just above the magma. Meanwhile I have been carving statues; the flooring in the Project is done and I am now confident that Markus' present will be complete by the end of the month!

21 Obsidian 263
One of the holes through the obsidian allowed a little of the remaining water to run down and form more obsidian at the bottom. It is far too risky to try to mine that out so we will drop a new hole next to it instead.
However the other is suitable so I ordered the forge on the surface dismantled to recover its anvil and at last Markus labors designing a new magma forge. The word has spread and many dwarves proudly speak of Gemclod's success in the deep mines.
I have completed enough statues for the Project as well!
23 Obsidian 263
Angry Ed built the magma forge to Markus' specifications. Water flows once more into the magma bathing the chamber in steam.

Above another Bat (Giant or possibly Normal Sized) has come but the last was a coward and Angry Ed showed no concern so I have not remarked on it.

The obsidian has been pierced again and Markus labors to design a magma smelter.

I designated new stockpiles for ores and to hold finished metal bars near the magmaworks.

26 Obsidian 263
Markus laid out the new magma smelter today. He was enthusiastic regarding the magma chamber and new workshops. He reminded me that my term as Overseer is nearly over although I had not forgotten.

I told him to meet me in our offices on the 28th. He understood that I meant for him to witness the transition of Overseer to a successor but that was not my purpose although I did not correct him.
Perfect Potato's dog has birthed three puppies.

27 Obsidian 263
Tomorrow is my last day as Overseer. I took stock of the fortress.
In the Great Hall the floor is almost completely smoothed. In the farms, plump helmets sprout in the mud.

There is food and drink to last the winter in the store-rooms.

I went above and spoke with CommaToes.

No miasma hung about his head; he bore scars and could not walk but no infection remained.

Though none of the migrants that have since come to Gemclod speak to him, he remains our ever-vigilant sentry, my friend, and ally to all.

I encountered Mr. Vile in the pantry slaking his thirst. His skill at Tree Appraisal has grown to the degree that all regard him well-Talented.

He told me he had regarded the job a sort of punishment when I first gave it but now took great satisfaction from the labor and was happy. Mr. Vile clasped my shoulder and then returned to his barrel.

Upstairs in the east wing a new family lounged together in their room.

Deep below the fortress, water flows onto molten rock and explodes in steam and streamers of liquid glass and slowly forms a shelf. It rumbles and spits and cracks. It is a living heart of Gemclod.

At the bottom I labored to construct the smelter which Markus had laid out.

28 Obsidian 263
I told Vox Nihili that he would be the next Overseer. I told him that if CommaToes could walk I would select him first and that Star Guarded was also a good choice but his hand is still injured and an Overseer must write many work-chits. I told him that I knew he would be adequate and if he accepted I would announce to the dwarves.
Vox Nihili did not seem surprised and accepted the position. I gave him useful advice regarding the various projects that are not yet completed and which dwarves on which to rely.
I will give him this Overseer's Journal to read when I am finished with today's entry.
I sought Markus in the offices and showed him his Present.

It is a checkers-board in the Traditional style of eight by eight tiles alternating red and white. Flanking are the playing pieces which are statues I have carved from Gemclod's stone. Many commemorate my friends but the best is of Markus himself.

I told Markus it was a birthday present. He said it was not his birthday and I said it was late or perhaps early. Markus was happy.
I recalled that Markus_cz Orbsand is my oldest and most valuable friend.
I asked him if he would play a game of checkers and he did.